NhoodPoland is a partner of Global Compact Network Poland
At the beginning of May 2021, Nhood Poland joined the UN Global Compact Network Poland partnership program and thus became a member of the international community supporting the implementation of the principles of sustainable development.
As part of the partnership with UN Global Compact Network Poland, Nhood Poland will actively participate in the “Standard of Ethics” program by participating in initiatives and research, and in thematic events. The company also participates in the Equal Opportunities in Business program to end gender equality limits, which sets corporate goals for the equal representation of women and business leadership.
– Participation in the initiatives undertaken by the UN Global Compact Network is another step in the implementation of our strategy of triple positive impact – People, Planet, Profit. We are proud that by partnering with such a significant organization, we will be able to promote the principles of sustainable development more widely – says Agnieszka Gutowska, Marketing Director, Communication and CSR Leader at Nhood Poland.
Established in July 2001, Global Compact Poland is a national network with an independent secretariat run and managed by the Global Compact Poland Foundation. It is a design office and a local contact and information point for Polish members and signatories of UN Global Compact. The organization identifies the challenges and opportunities in the field of sustainable development and provides its members with substantive support, participation in programs and projects, while at the same time widely promoting activities to achieve the goals of the United Nations.
All UN Global Compact Network Poland initiatives are undertaken in cooperation with the business world, government administration, experts, and citizens.